We provide a Nursery for infants through 3 years old on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Sunday School We have Sunday School classes for children from age 2 through 18. Using Regular Baptist Press and Answers in Genesis curriculum, we seek to ground our children in the truth of God’s Word. Classes are as follows: – Ages 2 and 3 – Age 4, 5, and Kindergarten – First and Second Grades – Third and Fourth Grades – Fifth and Sixth Grades
Wednesday Night Program
Our Program is for children ages 4 through grade 6 on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm during the school year. It’s a fun-filled night of crafts, snacks, games, music, and Bible lessons.
VBS Each summer we hold a week-long Vacation Bible School Program for children age 4 through 6th grade.
Ministries and Events
We also have a host of Children’s programs, ministries, and events throughout the year, such as Field Day, Mime, Special Music, CenterShot, and Family Outreach Events.