Get Connected
The church family at FBC is focused on community, fellowship, Biblical teaching, evangelism, accountability, spiritual growth and ministry. Our goal is to glorify God through the role we each have in our church body. We offer many opportunities for all ages and all walks of life to grow, minister, and be in fellowship with one another, and we invite you to join us!
Here’s a look at some upcoming events
Adult Programs
Sunday School is at 9:45 am every Sunday. We hold a variety of adult classes on different topics every quarter. The atmosphere is laid-back, there’s coffee in the kitchen, and we study God’s Word together.
Payer Meeting is on Wednesday Nights at 6:30. It’s a weekly Bible Study followed by intercession together.
Fellowships are regularly scheduled where we spend time together, share our lives, and have a good time. They include Souper Sundays, meals, special events, game nights, and the occasional road trip. Bookmark the church calendar page to see what we have planned each month.
VBS Each summer we hold a week long Vacation Bible School Program for the adults
Outreach and Ministry opportunities are a big part of our church family and involve reaching out to the lost and serving the needs of the community. They include Sunday afternoons at Cole Manor, community construction projects, Christmas caroling, church work days, serving in various capacities in the church, and evangelism events, just to name a few.
For Teens
For the most up-to-date information, pictures, and events, friend our Youth Group Page on Facebook, the G-Town Eye. Our Youth Group is for teens in grades 7-12, and we meet twice a week. We focus on providing a safe place where teens are loved, encouraged, and learn truths from God’s Word.
Our Youth Group meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 during the school year and from 6:30-7:30 during the summer.
We have a teen Sunday School Class Sunday Mornings at 9:45.
We plan youth events, outreach activities, and provide opportunities to serve and connect with the church. Events can be found on the church’s Calendar Page and the Eye’s Facebook page.
Each summer we hold a week long Vacation Bible School Program for teens.
Children’s Ministries
Our Children’s Ministries seek to glorify God by teaching the truth of His Word to children, encouraging parents, and supporting families. Safety and protection of our children is a priority as we minister. All of the adults serving in children’s ministries have the required clearances and our security team is committed to ensuring the safety of the children at FBC.
We provide a Nursery for infants through 3 years old on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Sunday School We have Sunday School classes for children from age 2 through 18. Using Regular Baptist Press and Answers in Genesis curriculum, we seek to ground our children in the truth of God’s Word. Classes are as follows: – Ages 2 and 3 – Age 4, 5, and Kindergarten – First and Second Grades – Third and Fourth Grades – Fifth and Sixth Grades
Wednesday Night Program
Our Program is for children ages 4 through grade 6 on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm during the school year. It’s a fun-filled night of crafts, snacks, games, music, and Bible lessons.
VBS Each summer we hold a week-long Vacation Bible School Program for children age 4 through 6th grade.
Ministries and Events
We also have a host of Children’s programs, ministries, and events throughout the year, such as Field Day, Mime, Special Music, CenterShot, and Family Outreach Events.