Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendar

Sunday School Picnic
Come join us for our annual church picnic directly following the morning worship service. Subs will be provided, so bring a dish to pass and any outdoor yard game you have and lets enjoy some fellowship together!

Vacation Bible School - Zoomerang
Zoomerang is a sanctity of life VBS in the land down under! Like a boomerang, we are returning kids to the value of life, from the lives of preborn babies to eternal life in the kingdom of God. You’ll marvel at the unforgettable wildlife, culture, and beauty of Australia while discovering that from the tiniest to the oldest, each person is made in the image of God—wonderfully designed to know him and live for him!

Men's Prayer Breakfast
A chance to study God’s Word, pray together, and have some great food. Sign-up is posted in the foyer

Fall/Winter Children’s Activity
Our children’s ministry starts back up in September and will run through April with a Christmas break in between. We have some great Wednesdays planned including games, crafts, snacks, songs, and learning all about God’s Word. If you’re interested in helping out sign-up today.

New SS Quarter
The spring Sunday School quarter starts in March. We have three awesome adult classes that are being offered:
The Megillah Begins - A study of the book of Esther
Constitution Alive - A study on the constitution and our founding documents
Genesis - A study on the foundation book of the Bible
We also have classes for children of all ages from infant (nursery program) to teens.

Ladies Brunch
Food, fellowship, and some great friends. Plan on spending some time with the ladies of our church at our monthly brunch. Sign up is posted.

Ice Fishing
We are planning to go ice fishing at a local pond. This outing is for all boys in grades 4-6 and their fathers. We will leave the church at 9:30 and fish into the afternoon. Dress warmly!

Join us every Tuesday night for pickleball. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn. It’s a fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. No equipment is needed, just show up and have some fun!

Christmas Decorating
We will be decorating the church for Christmas on Monday November 30th at 9am. Come join the fun as we prepare for celebrating the Savior’s birth.

Work Day
A church “refresh” day. This is a great time to come out in fellowship with others to 'shine up' the church and make it a more welcoming place for all. There are many jobs large and small, inside and out. No experience necessary and all ages welcome!

Men's Prayer Breakfast
A chance to study God’s Word, pray together, and have some great food. Sign-up is posted in the foyer

Fall Festival Booth
We’ll be setting up a booth to interact with the community at the Fall Festival in Galeton. Join us!

See you at the pole
Meeting at Galeton High School around the Flag Pole at 7AM for prayer
Start praying today for:
Your school’s event.
Those planning your SYATP.
Christian students to show up ready to pray on Sept 23.
Excellent communication for Christ to non-Christians.

Come worship the Savior through song - all are welcome to join, we meet to practice every Sunday at 5:30 through December.

New Sunday School Quarter
We have some great classes available for all ages. This quarter we have three adults classes offered ranging from topics like dealing with stress to the search for significance. Check out the bulletin board and sign up for a class that interests you today.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Come join us for the men’s prayer breakfast, open to all ages so bring your sons and invite a friend.